Assuming you have CentOS, you'll need to add the correct puppetlabs yum repositories. This can be done by using the following command,
# rpm -ivh
Once installed, you need to use yum to install puppet and puppet server.
# yum install puppet puppet-server
Confirm that puppet is installed by running,
# puppet --version
Lets start with create a basic puppet script to create a file called test.pp and add the following text to it,
## test.pp
file {"/tmp/test":
ensure => file,
owner => root,
group => root,
content => "hello im a file",
mode => 644,
To apply this script you will need to run puppet with the following command,
# puppet apply test.pp
Notice: /Stage[main]//File[/tmp/test]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}e32d2cadd86f222aa80e3fd11d22d0cd'
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.08 seconds
Great, from the Notice you can see that a file was created under /tmp/test. You can cat the file to confirm the content "hello im a file".
Next post we will be moving this test.pp to the puppet master, add a server to puppet master and then create the /tmp/test file on the client server.
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